Monday, February 25, 2008

I m also thinking from scratch to create business ideas

This is the page which i thought is good just go thorough this ..
As naukri guy mentioned in the article ..i would not like to mention him as CEO or some other greatly sounding term ..but i m just comfortable saying naukri guy ... Great opportunities are frequently scalable, so “if the opportunity is obvious to everyone, it is already too late,”. This is sounding good ..isn't it ?? but check lots of industries ....Can you spot one industry which is working perfectly in its domain ..utilizing all the resources it has ...i say no ..but there are very few doesnot bother if you have started a old business idea or new business idea just doesnot matter should have enough information to earn little profits in that business and never stop the journey of learning which is key to success.... if a cricket team says i have beaten australia by 300 runs in ODI (surprising) ...and bunks next days practise ..i m sure that there is probability that that team loses to very small team ... The success of starting a business is not about being innovative ..but it it lies in being aware of market situations ..

For all the business beginners from scratch ..this is my advice ..lets talk to people about ideas ...lets explore the marketing world...but never get into worlds of amway...questnet ...which are not businesses ..but encashment of weakness in people ..

All the best .... i know this is not the best blog which says about beginning business ..but keep checking i will soon be out with good ideas...i have started hell lot of blogs and failed in sticking to the idea of creating blogs ..but this time ...i will take this idea forward with good business ideas and analysis
wish me all the best :)

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